زمان : 20 Dey 1389 - 22:28
شناسه : 29179
بازدید : 1188
Top Legislator Gives Strong Response to Ashton Top Legislator Gives Strong Response to Ashton
Top Legislator Gives Strong Response to Ashton

TEHRAN, Jan 9 (ICANA) – A top Iranian legislator has responded firmly to remarks by EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton as Iran has invited foreign visitors to tour its nuclear sites.

According to the Reuters, Ashton said on Friday that the European Union has turned down an offer from Iran to tour its nuclear facilities. “What I’ll be saying is the role of the inspections of nuclear sites is for the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) and I do hope Iran will ensure that the IAEA is able to go and continue and fulfill its work,” Ashton told Reuters after talks with Hungarian Foreign Minister Janos Martonyi, saying the invitation would be declined. “My view is that though this is not an invitation that I’m taking a negative view of, it’s not our job, and looking at the sites and establishing what they are requires expertise,” Ashton said. However, Alaeddin Boroujerdi, chairman of the Majlis National Security and Foreign Policy Committee, said, “This international organization (IAEA) knows its obligations well and there is no need that Ms. Ashton reminds them (of their duties).” Boroujerdi told reporters that Iran has displayed its “honesty” and “good will” through inviting the representatives of different countries to visit its nuclear sites. He went on to say that the West has no reason for declining Iran’s invitation. IAEA inspectors regularly visit Iran’s nuclear facilities, but this time Iran has gone beyond its obligations and has allowed the countries’ representatives to visit the nuclear sites, he stated. The lawmaker also said visits to nuclear sites before talks will give Iran a bargaining chip in the negotiation. Iran and the five permanent of the UN Security Council and Germany are set to meet for talks on January 21 and 22 in Istanbul. Boroujerdi said, “Europe(ans) turned down the invitation because they don’t want Iran gains a positive advantage for the future negotiations.” Iran has invited some members of the UN Security Council, the European Union, the Group of 77, Non-aligned Movement and ten countries’ ambassadors to the Vienna-based atomic agency to visit Natanz uranium enrichment plant and Arak heavy water complex on January 15 and 16. Invitations had gone out to Russia, China, Egypt and Cuba as well as to Hungary as rotating president of the European Union, but Britain, France, Germany and the United States were not on the list of countries invited to see the sites.Allowing a tour of Arak heavy water reactor is a significant move because even based on the safeguards of the IAEA, Iran is not required to allow the inspection of this site